People Profiles
Here you will find pictures of people at unique locations as well as themed shoots. Mostly models in these galleries - but anybody who wants to "look good for the camera" will often go here.
Go to PEOPLE gallery List
Pictures of people and places that are more 'documantary' than fiction. Whether it be images of a beautiful location, an event or ocassion, or a profile of somebody's passion - these images are the kind you might find in the features section of a newspaper.
Go to OUTDOORS & STORYTELLNG gallery list
Glamour and Nudes
The human body is beautiful and should be celebrated in art. I especially love combining it with outdoor photogprahy. Many images I have taken are private and will not be posted. The images here are the ones I have permission to share.
Go to GLAMOUR & NUDES gallery list
Matt Garton Photography
Follow me on Facebook.
Model Mayhem #3100739, click here.