Matt Garton Photography


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About me: My journey as a photgraphic storyteller

07 July 2013

I fell in love with photography in high school. So much so, that I worked all summer to save for my first semi-pro camera (a Nikon 6006).

By the time I graduate to go to college, I had shot hundreds of rolls of film in both creative (artistic) endeavors as well as for our school newspaper and yearbook – which were both in the top 5 in the country as regular Pacemaker award winners. I studied both photography as an artform and a storytelling form at the same time. I believe studying both at the same time created my current approach and makes my images dynamic and unique even when doing fairly simply projects.

At first in college, I thought I'd continue to study at the University of Oregon's Journalism school and supplement that with classes from the Fine and Applied Arts School. That's exactly what happened, but something unexpected happened – my natural skills with the computer lead me into graphic design and I went on to numerous internships and student awards in graphic design.

I never fully left photography, I just did less of it. Thankfully, all that time in graphic arts and using Photoshop meshes well with today's digital photography.

While working professionally for newspapers as a graphic artists and eventually as an Art Director, I met many fine photographers and had many chances to learn from them.

In 2012, a number of things made me come back to photography. Some very talented photographers I was following inspired me to pick up a camera on a more professional level again. Once I did that, the passion I remembered having in my younger years returned. Since then I've been focusing in several areas – I mostly like taking pictures of people first and foremost, followed by interesting outdoor locations. Combining the two is often when I'm having the most fun.

To read more about that, go here.

  • People Profiles

    Here you will find pictures of people at unique locations as well as themed shoots. Mostly models in these galleries - but anybody who wants to "look good for the camera" will often go here.
    Go to PEOPLE gallery List

  • Storytelling

    Pictures of people and places that are more 'documantary' than fiction. Whether it be images of a beautiful location, an event or ocassion, or a profile of somebody's passion - these images are the kind you might find in the features section of a newspaper.
    Go to OUTDOORS & STORYTELLNG gallery list

  • Glamour and Nudes

    The human body is beautiful and should be celebrated in art. I especially love combining it with outdoor photogprahy. Many images I have taken are private and will not be posted. The images here are the ones I have permission to share.
    Go to GLAMOUR & NUDES gallery list